As for all of our ideas, we need to get the materials. Unfortunately, what we are looking for is not always easy to find, but we feel very lucky to have our friends and the local community, which helps us a lot in our treasure hunt.
For our rings, we collect plastic trash from all over the city. The first step after collecting is always careful cleaning. There are many varieties of plastics, so we need to sort them into types and colours before we finally shred them.
After that, we have the raw material for our rings, and we can start crafting them. The selection and arrangement of colours is an essential step for the later outcome and needs to be thought through to meet the expected vision of the ring maker.
Once the decision is made, we melt the recycled plastic into plates. For this process, we are using a heat press which is usually used for T-Shirt prints.
Once the plate is ready, the ring maker looks for the right spot to give a ring a unique pattern.
First, we drill the inner diameter, which will set the ring size. After that, we drill an outer diameter so that we can start shaping the ring.
This raw ring is getting placed in a lathe where we sand it to the proper thickness. From there on, we use increasingly fine sandpaper to create a smooth surface. In the final step, we polish the ring to highlight the colours and the pattern.
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How we make wooden boxes
In the beginning, there is always the material. So, where is the wood for our boxes coming from? We use sustainable wood from Estonia. Sustainable